Ready, Steady...Go! 

It’s August; the height of the summer holidays and as I write this, the Paris Olympic Games are underway, writes Becky.

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I love the Olympic games; the build-up, the ceremonies, the vast array of sporting events to keep a track of, the medal tables and inspirational stories that all come together every four years. The 2012 London games will always have a special place in my heart; the torch relay went straight passed our front door and my Dad was involved in the construction of the Olympic site so for our family, the build-up began far in advance.
For the athletes, of course, the build-up also begins far in advance. And those sometimes seconds of activity that we get to see are often the accumulation of a lifetime of preparation. From childhood inspiration and first steps in their chosen sport, through years and years of early morning through to late evening training sessions, hour after hour spent perfecting their skills.

So what about just before the games begin? Well the athletes’ last minute preparations will, of course, involve training and conditioning to keep them at the top of their game, but in those moments before the big event, they won’t be pushing themselves to the limits, a part of the preparation they will undergo will be to rest, and ensure that they are fully able to compete to the best of their ability; who will forget seeing Tom Daley knitting while watching the women’s diving event?
For many of us too, August can be a time to rest and restore. Perhaps we will be enjoying a holiday, or just a quieter schedule as schools close for the end of the academic year, and many church calendars are also lighter than ‘normal.’ We enjoy the snatches of sunshine where we can, with long days hopefully spent outside, life at a slower pace and the opportunity to catch up with friends and family.

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I was recently challenged to think about this in a different way. At a seminar I recently attended, the speaker reminded us that often the world talks as though it is the holiday that is the goal; the reward or end product for our hard work, but perhaps as Christians, God calls us into a different rhythm where the holiday is not the end but rather the opportunity to reset and recharge, before setting to the work that God has given us, once again. Perhaps, like those athletes, our holiday time, whenever it may come, gives us the chance to make sure that we are in tip top condition ready to re-enter the race he has set before us.
So this August, whether we are able to enjoy a holiday, or just a quieter rhythm, let’s take the time to get ready, set before we ‘Go’ once again in September.


As you take some time this summer; may we encourage you to look at the Wellbeing journey book and resources, designed to help you to discover God's plan for your wellbeing. You can get your copy here.

healed restored

If you're looking for simple resources to share God's hope for healing and restoration, we have a brand new, pocket-sized handout, ‘Healed/Restored.' Inspired by the prayer from Isaiah 64:8, it reminds us that we are the clay and God is the potter, healing and restoring us with His loving hands. You can order copies of this booklet, which is perfect for sharing with friends, family and newcomers at church, here

harvest basket

And finally for this month, as the combine harvesters begin set to work, you may be starting to think about the autumn, and harvest festival; you may like to take a look at our Harvest Outreach Ideas here