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Why care?

As children we are told that, ‘actions speak louder than words. As Christians we need a follow-through faith that moves from our head and heart to our hands and feet. Caring can be a natural part of our calling to be disciples who make disciples. In our day to day, we need to be Jesus to the people we meet. Without acts of care, we won’t build the relationships and trust needed to share Jesus with people. Our actions need to speak loudly of who and whose we are. We love because we are loved. Imagine how transformative it would be if everyone knew that their identity is first and foremost as a beloved child of God? 

Everyday ways to love like Jesus is about intentionally caring for people in our everyday, seeking out opportunities to demonstrate Jesus’ love for them whether it’s a smile, flowers, food, a comment on social media or practical help. Of course, we’d love our actions to lead to words, but we don’t love to get a response. That’s a bit hollow. We love and care for people because God loves and cares for people. We care by asking God to help us see people as he sees them.

Cinnamon Network

Hope for Every Home partners with the Cinnamon Network to support the care aspect of our strategy. Cinnamon equips churches for social action in their communities. On their website you will find a range of resources, training materials and stories to inspire you. Everything from community mapping to stakeholder management and fundraising.

Who cares?

One of the ways we can care for our communities is by listening. Everybody hurts but not everybody has hope. Who Cares? Is a nationwide initiative where churches are working together to listen to the needs of local people, and offer compassion and hope. Who Cares? exists to ask One Big Question: What hurts the most? Who Cares? Is a framework that supports churches to understand the pain in our local communities and explore how the church can respond with the hope of the Gospel. Find out more at Who Cares?

5 Fold Survey

Take this survey to see if your top gifting from Ephesians 4:11 is ‘Pastor/Shepherd. If it is you might be good at acts of care!