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Share-ScriptureShare Jesus

‘We share our faith because that’s what Jesus asked us to do when he invited us to follow him. It’s part of being a disciple who makes disciples, ‘as we go’. As we pray and care for people and our communities, relationships develop which can lead to opportunities to share about Jesus in words too. Sharing doesn’t mean shoehorning Jesus into conversations or standing on a street corner preaching at people. Sharing is done best through our everyday conversations, connections, and opportunities. 

Sharing is about intentionality; deciding to bring faith into everyday conversations; going where people are; being alert to opportunities and confident enough to take them when they come. When someone asks, ‘What did you do at the weekend?’ Could you mention church? When someone grumbles about the news, can you talk about what gives you hope? When someone asks how you got through a difficult time, can you share how faith helped you? Often a story in the news, film or article in a magazine or on social media might be a ‘way in’. 

So, ask yourself: Where do you meet people as part of your everyday? Sharing our faith in words and actions needs to take place where people are. Most of Jesus’ and Paul’s conversations with people were not in the synagogue, but everyday places: hillsides, town squares, wells, fishing boats and homes. Where are our everyday places of connection and opportunities for conversation?  Maybe it’s our homes as we put the bins out, the school gates, the supermarket checkout queue, the places we work, the park when we walk the dog or go for a run…what can you add to the list from your everyday?’

Talking Jesus -Evangelism led by research

The Talking Jesus research shapes our evangelism strategy and therefore our resourcing. It has helped us understand those outside the church and in particular non-Christians. Whilst uncovering valuable lessons into how people come to faith.

You can find out all about the Talking Jesus research here and watch a 10-minute summary clip here
You can download the full report and find out much more on the Talking Jesus website. 
The Talking Jesus course helps everyone with praying, caring and sharing. The Talking Jesus course was developed in partnership by Hope Together, Kingsgate Community Church and the Church of England. The six session, video based course is ideal for small groups and helps equip Christians to talk about Jesus, sensitively, appropriately and with respect in everyday life. Find it in the Hope shop here.

The Father’s Love Letter 

The Father’s Love Letter is an intimate message from God to you…us, to anyone we want to share it with. The Father’s Love Letter is a collection of paraphrased Bible verses that are presented in the form of a tender love letter from God to you. It is available in 125 languages and has been shared around the world in many multi media formats. Many Christians and churches have used it as part of a home-to-home approach.

You can find it here and also via our partners menu on the OIKOS app.  

Good News for Everyone

Good News For Everyone (formerly Gideons UK) want to reach everyone with the good news about Jesus by gifting people scripture. GN4E distribute New Testaments, often including the Psalms and Proverbs; and sometimes the full Bible, to people in many different areas of life. Some of the contexts GN4E work in include schools, hospitals, hotels…they even have a version of their Testament for lorry drivers! They are a valued partner to Hope for Every Home as together we seek to reach everyone in the UK with the good news about Jesus. Order for free here

Hope For All Magazine

You might want to buy Hope for All magazine and find a story a friend would be interested in. 

A lot of our magazine content can be found on our Hope For All website which includes stories, videos, resources and giveaways which might help you as you share Jesus with others.

Discover Bible App

Sometimes people we are sharing Jesus with want to know more. The Discover Bible App is a great resource for sharing Jesus simply with people by reading the Bible together and you can find it on OIKOS! The Discover App is a Discovery Bible Study App ideal for exploring faith in small groups with people who are spiritually interested. The studies are designed to give people an overview of the whole story of the Bible, and to help people ask questions which allow them to encounter God in the text.

Available in over twenty languages, with full text and audio, the app is ideal for sharing with refugee or immigrant enquirers, and for running groups with people whose literacy is poor. If you’ve ever wondered how to disciple the people you are praying for, Discover Bible Study is an excellent approach. Its simplicity means that it is easy to engage with and easy for people to pass on to friends and family as they come alive to the gospel.
Get the app on your phone today, so you can start spiritual conversations with anyone you meet. 

Find out more:

Street Associations

Many of us have street WhatsApp groups but what if these groups were a place where we could also share Jesus? Street Associations are groups of neighbours in a community who get together to be intentional about building relationships. As Christians this is a brilliant opportunity for us to get to know people so that we can pray, care and share in our communities.

Time to get perspective - Hope's Tool Box!

Hope have a range of resources that help you to share Jesus as part of your everyday. Perspective is twice yearly, online webinar which aims to share fresh perspectives on mission with talks from guest speakers, breakout room discussions and time for Q and A.  Hope Together : Perspective conversation. Hope 23-24 was all about mission and you will find a vast array of resources for different local contexts and demographics on on Hubb here Hope Together: Hope 23-24 HUB


A new resource for our year of mission focussing on the resurrection and how an encounter with Jesus transforms people  Hope Together : Alive Easter 2024 and The Hope Shop has a range of resources to help you share the good news about Jesus in accessible ways.