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Why Prayer?


God who is good and who uses all things for good has not been on lockdown. Through lockdown and daily walks God is calling us out of the church building and back to our homes, neighbours and communities. Now we believe he wants us to pray for them.


Prayer is powerful and changes things because we are inviting our all powerful God into the conversation. God is at work.  Let’s pray for eyes to see what he is doing and for hearts, hands and feet willing to join in. Let’s pray expecting God to move, opening doors to conversations, relationships and opportunities for Christians to share the love of Jesus with people in everyday ways; praying, caring and sharing people into the kingdom.


‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is an invitation to change the world through prayer.

When we pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ we’re asking God to bring heaven to earth, for Kingdom transformation and earth to be like heaven. Isn’t that an awesome prayer?

It starts by praying for our non-Christian neighbours and friends and we have resources to help you here and in our shop
Use the Lord’s Prayer to pray for your five friends (download)
Use the Lord’s Prayer to pray for your community (download)

Watch this video Sammy made for Thy Kingdom Come to find out more.

Together let’s pray and see ‘on earth as it is in heaven’.
Praying for Kingdom Impact int
Prayer can change the world, one community at a time! Use our free downloadable resource ‘Praying Kingdom Impact in Areas of Influence’ to pray for different aspects of community life.

TryPraying-LogoPrayer prepares the ground for mission and is also an evangelistic opportunity. We are delighted to support trypraying which uses prayer as an evangelism tool and which you can find in the partners menu of the OIKOS prayer app.

Try praying is an invitation to those who are not religious and who don’t go to church to try praying and take part in a seven day prayer adventure. is the website for people who are new to prayer and resources churches around the trypraying invitation. trypraying uses prayer as an evangelistic opportunity and can be done by individuals, churches or churches together. Find inspirational stories here of how trypraying has been a journey through which people have found Jesus.

Imagine if we could do this for more than our local area...imagine if we could cover the country...the world in prayer….


Hope For Every Home is part of the Joining Dots Prayer Network which maps prayer for towns and cities across the UK. JDPN would love to see every street in every town and city prayed for by the end of 2025. If you are involved in praying for a town/city/region and would like to know more email Sammy and download our leaflet for more information. Thank you!
Sometimes prayer is difficult. We struggle to know what to say and how to say it. We can feel alone in what we’re going through. In those times, it’s great to have someone to pray alongside you. That’s where the UCB Prayerline comes in. The UCB Prayerline is not a counselling or advice service but is here to help you bring God into the situations you’re facing. This confidential service is available to you whoever you are and whatever background you come from. It doesn’t matter how big or small you think your prayer request is, if it matters to you, it matters to God.

You can contact the UCB Prayerline by email at or by phone during opening hours, when the team of trained and dedicated volunteers are there to pray with you. Call the Prayerline on 01782363000
(Standard call charges apply, calls from mobiles may cost you more. Check with your supplier for details).

For more information go to UCB Prayerline

Hope for Every Home is part of HOPE Together
Reimagining what neighbourhood mission looks, by encouraging Christians to pray for their streets, connect with their neighbours in the everyday and share Jesus where they live.